Digital Audio World

Musings and information on podcasting, digital audio, online streaming audio and home studio recording from Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon of

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Looks like folks who WANT the IPOd but can't afford the steep price may get a crack at the digital audio player after all...Apple may be ready to introduce the player with smaller prices and memory: iPod at center of buzz / Rumors predict new affordable player at Macworld

Monday, December 29, 2003

'Normal' radio is audio and data will soon be broadcast alongside your regular music. Audio Revolution News had this story: What is HD Radio?

Friday, December 26, 2003

AOL releases Winamp 5.0 and Premium Pro Players...Check it out from Streaming Media, Inc.
If you live in Canada, prepare for a price hike on MP3 players...thanks to the Copyright Board of Canada. Check the story here from the CBC. The new levy will range from $2 to $25, depending on how much memory the various digital audio recorders have. I would think something like this could possibly happen in the US, but I suspect it would take a lot of political wrangling for it to happen, unlike our neighbors to the north.
They're about as big as a pack of gum, but they store oodles of files and even a handful of high-quality songs. We're talking USB flash drives. But are they really worth it? Are they taking off? Check the latest here from Internet News....Mini Storage Drives Poised to Make Waves

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Welcome to the new blog from Digital Audio World. Find us online at

Check back regularly for news and tips and tools for the home digital audio creative genius in all of us! We help bring that genius out...

Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon