Digital Audio World

Musings and information on podcasting, digital audio, online streaming audio and home studio recording from Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon of

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Still using Winamp? It looks like your support is gone. At least the company that created Winamp has been closed down - by AOL. Nullsoft's future in a void | CNET

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I don't know the name of the song, but I might be able to hum a few bars for you. Fido Names That Tune: Audio Recognition First in a Series of Entertainment Services - There's a concept that's been coming for a long time. I mean, how many times have you sat in a bar or your car or holding a jar or ..or... and wanted to know what song is running through your head or what song you're hearing on the radio. FIDO to the rescue.