Digital Audio World

Musings and information on podcasting, digital audio, online streaming audio and home studio recording from Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon of

Monday, April 25, 2005

Digital Audio World's Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon Show now playing - two new podcasts posted over the weekend featuring in-depth informative interviews, geared to anyone who wants to do their own podcast, or is currently doing their own podcast.

First, I chatted with Dave Sampson of and their new all-in-one podcast software 'Propaganda.' This is an intuitive, tight little piece of software that lets you record and mix your audio, then export it. It also walks you through the steps to create your XML feeds so that people can subscribe to your podcast. And it has an FTP client so you can upload your XML feed and your MP3 file. Very cool.

Then a day later I talked with Brian Ibbott, the host of one of the most entertaining music podcasts out there: Coverville. Brian is a very friendly, laid back fellow who talked about all sorts of things to do with successful podcasting. We spent some time discussing the licensing requirements of podcasters who choose to include copyrighted music in their podcasts...a very ear-opening conversation.

Check out the new podcasts here; or add the XML feed to your podcast aggregator (right-click and copy the link, then paste it into your iPodder or other podcast subscription tool).

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Who's Licensing Whom?

Boy, every time you turn around, there's a different take on using copyyrighted music in podcasts. Sam Whitmore with Forbes says he was encouraged by Warner Music and the Harry Fox Agency to keep on podcasting, playing the music he had already been playing without paying a fee to the publishers, although he does pay BMI and ASCAP. (He hosts Closet Deadhead podcast).

Sam also raises an interesting question on the use or manipulation of podcasts. He posits the idea of taking a political podcast, editing it, and making it sound like something entirely different than what was originally intended. Not to rain on your parade, Sam, but hell, disc jockeys and other clever human forms have been doing that with news casts and speeches for decades, so I don't think that's anything new...except the idea of doing it with a podcast. Podcasting: Making Waves -

Friday, April 15, 2005

Who wants to buy a podcast? Will the new UK company Podshows succeed? With literally thousands of FREE podcasts listed on the dozens of podcast directories, these two ex-DJ's in England think they can get someone to pay for them. We. Shall. SEE.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

New Study Projects The Future Of Satellite Radio & Podcasting. Who'd have thunk that satellite radio would take off this fast? Or that podcasting could jump in numbers to become a significant factor in the nation's listening habits inside a couple of years of it's 'invention?' A new study from Forrester tells us that these things are happening. No surprise, really, when USA citizens adapt new technologies much faster than they used to (DVD's anyone?). It all comes down to choice...and in America we love choice. Even when we're overwhelmed by it!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Tim Gonzo Gordon Podcast Show - brand new...check out the new podcast. This week, Tim gets a cool Bob Marley tattoo and experiments with his new Marantz PMD660.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Another blooger (uh, blogger) asks: Is Podcasting for Real?

Yes, there are naysayers on podcasting. Uh huh. I know, I know, hard to believe that there are some people who believe that podcasting is a fad; a flash-in-the-pan that will fizzle in about 6 months or less.

But Shel Holtz, who writes for Insider Reports, and does his own podcast called 'For Immediate Release,' chimes in and makes the observation (well, several of them) that podcasting is just beginning. I would agree with his take on the whole thing. Radio is getting boring. Has been for years. One reason I abandonded radio as a career.

Record companies have been selling music like a commodity, instead of the creative endeavor that it really is. So you don't get much variety on the radio.

Just check how fast satellite radio subscriber numbers are growing. And like the Sony Walkman, iPods and podcasting are just getting started. If you read this story, you'll see the comment that broadband isn't in nearly enough homes to make an impact.

Hey, remember when there wasn't broadband, and all we had was 14.4 or 28.8 dial-up? Sheesh, nobody thought much of the internet then, and it's pretty well established by now. Future happens.

Figure it out. Either come along for the ride, or get run over. Is Podcasting For Real

Monday, April 04, 2005

Who's listening to podcasts?

A damn lot of people, if the results of a new Pew survey are to be believed. And it's funny, just a few days ago I saw some hack writer say that podcasting was 'old news' and that PSP casting is the new thing. may well be, but nonetheless, if the masses are just starting to get into podcasting, doesn't it make sense that it's just going to grow more? Hey, DVD players were the fastest growing electronic appliance to be adapted by the masses, and the first DVD came out, what, decades ago? I don't think DVD's are going away anywhere soon.

Here's the story on the survey: FMQB: Radio Industry News, Music Industry Updates, Arbitron Ratings, Music News