The new version of iTunes is now equipped with podcasting support.
Apple - iTunes makes the software upgrade available just a few weeks after Steve Jobs made the announcement June 6th.
After downloading and installing version 4.9, I thought I'd see how easy it would be to subscribe to my podcast. Easy enough. I clicked on the 'Advanced' tab and to the 'subscribe to podcast' tab and then copied and pasted the URL ( iTunes immediately went out and downloaded the most recent episode. Cool! Oh, wait. I've heard this interview before. I did this last week. Hmmm....
Now how about submitting my podcast to iTunes? Easy enough to navigate through to the podcast page (with the picture of Adam Curry with the cool shades and foo-foo hairdo) and checked out the FAQ on submitting podcasts. Nothing sneaky here, pretty straightforward. You do need to set up an account to submit your podcast, so I did that. But the damn software got hung up in the last step and wouldn't let me finish the account.
After trying a few things I went back and resubmitted all of my info, and it let me in this time. So after going back to the RSS/podcast submission page, I entered the URL again and clicked 'next.' I was then told that the podcast had already been submitted and I couldn't submit again! Yikes.
Next I tried to find out where I could add or edit any of the information you normally have when you submit a podcast to a directory. Nope, nowhere to do it. Try 'support.' The link takes you through to the online support, where when you do a search for 'podcast' or 'podcasting' it says no results. So obviously the support section of iTunes online does NOT reflect the new software updates. Yet.
After fifteen minutes I gave up. Check back later. I know I've submitted the podcast to iTunes - I just don't know exactly what it'll say when and if it comes up for air!
But as far as using iTunes to subscribe to podcasts, it's damn easy. You choose your own links, or browse their menu of (very corporate) choices. It'll be curious to see what kind of podcasts come up on their top ten list and in their front page of recommendations...