Digital Audio World

Musings and information on podcasting, digital audio, online streaming audio and home studio recording from Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon of

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Is Apple going to create an iPod that can pick up satellite radio? Seems to be an interesting question. Or if not that, would there be original content created that would benefit both parties? Check it: iPod to Podcast Sirius Satellite Radio Content? :: osViews | osOpinion :: Tech Opinions for the People, by the People

Seems that with podcasting going great guns, anyone who can jump on the bandwagon is looking to benefit, whether it's a huge corporation or a smaller mom-n-pop ebusiness.

It's also known that Adam Curry had a chat with Steve Jobs recently in which they discussed the possibility of creating an iPod with recording possibilities - so that perhaps you can create a podcast while cruising in your new Z3? Sheesh, the future's so bright I gotta wear shades!
So podcasting is starting to have an effect on the marketplace - literally. Podcasting 'A Growing Threat' To Audible - shows that because of the amount of people that are downloading and listening to FREE podcasts they won't want to listen to similar content that they're currently paying for.

Aaah, we'll see. The newest model for podcasting is to charge for it, but it remains to be seen whether or not anyone will bite on that business model. More and more folks are touting podcasting as a corporate tool, or ebusiness tool, whether for the big corporations, or the small entity.

Personally, if someone offered me information that was usable, entertaining, informative, or otherwise had great value, I'd pay for it. How much, I don't know. I pay something like $17 for a monthly subscription to an internet marketing newsletter that I feel is worth much more than that. I also pay $12 a year (!) for's ClubRum's daily humor lists. Hey, it's BUCK A MONTH! It's definitely worth it for the kind of laughs they offer.

But I won't pay $17 for a year's subscription to Playboy. Huh? What has happened to my priorities!? I did pay $12 a year, a dollar an issue a couple of years ago when they sent me an offer I couldn't refuse. But I found myself barely cracking the cover. And when I did, it was to merely look at the pretty pictures and read the jokes and sometimes the interview. Perhaps the thing has passed me by. Or life is too damn busy...

We'll all pay for something if we think it's worthwhile. Is your podcast worth $$ to anyone?

Monday, May 23, 2005

Hey, it's about time Apple jumped on the podwagon! And it's all over the web today. I think I've gotten nearly half a dozen news stories in my Google Alerts with this one - iTunes is going to put support for podcasting in a soon-to-be-released version: Apple's Jobs Announces iTunes Podcast Support.

Wonder what that will do for iPodder? After all, if iPodder is tied in perfectly with iTunes, which made sense at the time, and then iTunes comes along and takes over the capability within iTunes, what's the incentive to keep using iPodder? On the other hand, perhaps iPodder developers Adam Curry et al knew it would happen anyway, or at least anticipated it. If podcasting was going to be as successful as they hoped it would be, developers of all kinds would rush in. And according to just about every news story or commentary I've seen in the past few weeks, podcasting is the buzz, the king, the end all and be all.

For instance the BBC says podcasting could be a revolution.

The Digital Divide Network says podcasting is becoming hotter and hotter.

Even Rush Limbaugh, the conservative talk show blowhard, er, host, is podcasting now.

So as Apple and other big-time developers and companies move in, how far behind can Microsoft be? Even if they move slow, they usually more LARGE. Perhaps the new version of Windows Media Player will have podcast subscription capabilities? Wouldn't doubt it at all.

Go, podcasters, go!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Adam Curry cracks me up. I mean, the guy has an ego that doesn't quite. But what the hell, it's probably well-deserved. CNET just published an interview with Adam here: The man who's got mainstream radio quaking | Newsmakers | CNET It's a fun read; it's a gas, gas, gas. Especially the part where he takes pot shots at Dave Winer, the guy who supposedly helped him with all the podcasting stuff. Or wait, was it Adam who supposedly helped Dave? Hmm, there are some mis-matched stories floating around the podosphere...and you get to make up your mind which to believe!

Btw, Adam is now satellite-casting podcasts on Sirius Channel 148 weeknights from 6 - 10 PM EDT. Go Here and read more on how to submit your material to Adam for consideration.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Notes on Gonzo's Latest Podcast:

The latest podcast explores digital audio and podcasting from the eyes and ears of a 'newbie;' an original 'podsafe' tune comes online; and a Eugene, Oregon radio station features the 'Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon Show' in a story about podcasting.

Click here to go to the podcast page at

Click here to access the podcast directly.
iPod purchasers to be punished for illegal downloaders? "iPod Tax" Could Combat Piracy Losses.

So lemme get this straight. If you're going to buy a new iPod or other MP3 player, you might have to pay a tax - which will then be used to pay royalties on copyrights to artists and writers. The assumption is that at least "some" of the music played on portable MP3 players was obtainer - or will be - illegally.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is only coming up in the Netherlands, which doesn't really affect too many of us over here in the USA.

And never mind the idea that there are actually some honest people out there who might actually use LEGAL music or some other form of audio on their portable players, this whole thing smacks of some 'big brother' anti-Libertarian snuff stuff. I know this story only talks about the Netherlands, but if it works there, you know that it's going to come up on the radar screen elsewhere. If the RIAA likes the idea, there's no doubt it will get floated through the halls of Washington by highly paid music industry lobbyists.

Yeah, it was shot down in Canada. What did you expect, the Canucks to let this happen there? Good for them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I may be walking on a thin line here! Yup, playing a Jamaican pressing of a Marley cut; and a French pressing of an obscure b-side. And doing it without the damn music licensing thing. But what the hell. It's my show, and I'm a Marley fan. The latest edition of the Tim Gonzo Gordon Podcast Show is a tribute to Bob Marley, with a little personal history tossed in as well. And as for that tattoo....

Listen or download the MP3 here.
More legal brew-ha-ha over the fine print at KYOURADIO.COM, the all-podcast station in San Francisco owned by Infinity. Podcasters May Be Overlooking Huge Legal Risks in the Fine Print - Podcasting News from Send2Press Newswire Tue, 10 May 2005.

And the fine print doesn't necessarily refer to music podcasting; it may have to do with the content of your podcast, such as an opinion that may turn out to be libel or slander. It's apparent that the wild wild web is not as wild as a mere five years ago - an eternity in internet time.

The INA (International Nanocasting Association) has taken up to warning folks to read the fine print before getting involved. In reference to the Infinity station in SF, if a problem arises over your podcast, the legal responsibility falls on YOU. That's right, their lawyers drafted the agreement in such a way as to protect THEM, not YOU. Makes sense, though.

To get a copy of the full alert or receive future reports from the Nanocasting Legal Task Force go to and sign up for the newsletter. (INA is a trade organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of commercial Internet radio and Nanocasting (commercial podcasting) and to promoting the necessary self-regulation required for the industry to stably expand.)

Monday, May 09, 2005

While I'm not sure if there's a lot new here, I do like Marcus Austin's take on podcasting and the 'attempts' to make $$ of the damn thing. In Netimperative - Podcasting: downloading the future? Austin also discusses the ins and outs of trying to find music to play without paying, and the challenges that arise even if you have a license: How do you know if the listener has actually listened to the whole show? What if they listen to the whole thing and then share it with someone?

Reminds me of the mess the record industry thought they were in back in the late 70's when the skull and crossbones cassette showed up on record albums with the warning "Home taping is killing music."

No, home taping didn't kill music. In fact, there was gov't research done at the time that backed up MY contention that home taping actually HELPED spur record sales, as it did in my personal experience.

For example, let's say I borrow a tape from a pal and like some of the tunes on it, I'd do one of two things: make a copy of the tape or go buy the album. Aha! sayeth the record companies: you're COPYING! Well true. But it doesn't stop there... if you really like the tune or artist, you will eventually buy it, because you want to hear more of the artist. You will probably eventually dig deeper into that artist's catalog - thus spurring more sales!

And if I just made a copy of a tape and leave it at that, well, so what? It wasn't that good anyway, so I didn't waste any money on the bad product. And that's good feedback, too, for the record companies. If no one buys your product that's good feedback: you're putting out inferior products That tells you that you'd better improve the quality of your product or you'll soon go out of business!

I digress. Again.

So for the prospects of podcasting with music, you'll have to find enough good quality 'podsafe' music (unlicensed), or you'll have to fork up the several hundred bucks to pay for the licenses.

If you don't podcast music, you're left with talk. And it had better be entertaining and/or informative or educational to your audience, or they'll be gone faster than you count the number of new podcasts coming out in a week.

Which reminds me. I'm doing a Bob Marley tribute/memorial of sorts this Wednesday the 11th, the 24th anniversary of Bob's passing, on my podcast, the Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon Show. I hope it's entertaining / educational / informative...etc... Listen in and and find out for yourself!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Adam Curry, the podfather of podcasting, broke the news last week on the Daily Source Code: Silicon Valley Watcher: Podcasting Turns Pro - Adam Curry joins Sirius.

Having seen some of the chat on podcasting forums, the reaction, as you might imagine, is mixed.

"OHMIGOD, he's selling out!" ranted one. "NOPE! It's good for podcasting!" said another.

The program on Sirius Satellite, will push podcasting even further into the stratosphere, as Adam's task is to play podcasts of all types, styles, skills and topics. As mentioned in the story referenced above, the whole concept will raise copyright and licensing issues - and other issues too, no doubt.

But I think it's a good thing. Hell, I'd love my podcast to show up on Sirius Satellite radio. Wouldn't you? The simple promotion aspects of it are pretty far-reaching. Same as with, you'll have licensing and copyright issues (and more if you read their fine print!), but with just a few podcast shows being broadcast, it is probably worth it. After all, you're not giving up the rights to everything you do...